Action socialiste sur les élections fédérales du 20 septembre 2021: Votez NPD, mais luttez pour un gouvernement ouvrier

Le 20 septembre, les électeurs se rendront aux urnes dans lecadre de l'une des campagnes électorales fédérales les pluscourtes de l'histoire du Canada. Alors que l'écart se resserreentre les libéraux et les conservateurs, les médias grand publicspéculent que Justin Trudeau…


L'élection fédérale ne devrait pas porter sur la popularité personnelle de Trudeau,O'Toole, Singh et Paul ; elle devrait se concentrer sur la calamité à laquelle font faceles travailleurs, et sur la cause première de cette calamité : le système capitaliste. Lecapitalisme…

SA at POOF protest held August 21 on Toronto’s Yonge Street, south of Dundas

On Saturday, August 21 dozens of people blocked Toronto's Yonge Street, at Dundas, responding to the call of Protecting ODSP OW Funding (POOF).
For nearly three hours organizer Isabella Gamk told the crowd, including many observing passersby, that Ontario Disability Support Programme is cruelly underfunded and condemns many people to hunger, homelessness, illness and untimely death.  ODSP and OW rates should be doubled.  Decent, affordable housing should be built on a mass scale by the government, by taking control of land development and the construction industry.

Members of Socialist Action participated in the rally and spoke to the gathering, as recorded in the attached video, courtesy of Jon Sanderson, the Canadian Commie.  Have a look.

Video of ACORN and Socialist Action members interviewed at Aug. 14 Yonge Dundas Protest

On August 14 at Toronto's Dundas Square, and locations across Canada, people rallied to protest the chronic lack of decent, affordable housing.  Clearly, the capitalist 'free' market is not going to solve this problem.  Revolutionary change is required, and it must include: Nationalize the giant landlords, land developers, and the housing construction industry. Let's build publicly-owned, affordable housing on a mass scale, for all who need it. Listen the voices in the housing action video.

Toronto Protest of Police Violence, mass arrests and encampment evictions

Over two hundred people rallied at Toronto City Hall on July 26 to protest police violence and the arrest of more than two dozen people a week earlier. The brutal cop assault on defenders of an encampment of homeless folks involved the wanton use of truncheons, pepper spray, charges on horseback, punches and choke holds. Among the arrested at 14 Division police station was Corey David, the Socialist Action candidate in the city by-election in Scarborough-Agincourt in January.

Report on ACORN-led protest against big bank fees

On July 13, 2021 Socialist Action members joined in solidarity with 40 ACORN activists to protest the policies of the big banks.  The Toronto action was part of a cross-country set of rallies to demand lowering NSF (Not Sufficient Funds) penalties from $45 to $10, waiving the minimum bank balance of $4000 to end discriminatory fees and stopping the financing of predatory lenders like EasyFinancial. In the heart of downtown Toronto, the march for fair banking touched major financial institutions in the Bay and King street zone. 

Newfoundland: Resist the Furey-ous Cuts!

Newfoundlanders and Labradorians are not weak people, but we are tired. We have lived through countless economic downturns, depressions, hard times, and encountered many other hurdles. Through all this, we have been on the receiving end of shredded government safety nets and horrible, crippling cuts. Our healthcare has suffered greatly, leaving us with some of the worst emergency room wait times in the country, ranging from 4 to 8 hours before we get to see a doctor. Hospitals here remain cruelly understaffed, leaving many people in a situation of "why bother" when it comes to their health. Many elderly people here must be forced by family to go see the doctor, as the wait times and hurdles, such as travel and cost, are prohibitive. These are critical barriers to early treatment of what for many will eventually be life-threatening or even life-ending illness. Considering our aging population, our medical services are grossly underfunded and understaffed compared to what would be truly required for them to function properly.

WEBCAST: The Crisis of Food Insecurity

Thursday, July 8, 7 p.m. Eastern Time - “The Crisis of Food Insecurity”, with Dr. Tom Baker, a veterinary epidemiologist with 35 years experience in food safety and livestock health, with discussant Hannah MacKellar at the University of Guelph. Host: Elizabeth Byce. Link: